Did You Know Quad Cities Has It’s Very Own Superhero?
All the buzz is over this weekend's MCU release of "The Avengers: End Game". It was brought to the attention of the hosts on our local show "Don't Hassle Us We're Local" that the Quad Cities has a comic book super hero that is based in the Quad Cities. His name is Wild Dog.
Wild Dog is a DC Comic book character that was created by Max Allan Collins, Terry Beatty and Dick Giordano and released in a limited series in 1987.
Wild Dog has made appearances in many other comic book series and the CW Green Arrow television show. He has also has a spin off, called The Wild Dogs, patterned after him.
Jack Wheeler, Wild Dog's alter ego, left his college football scholarship at the university after he injured himself. Jack enlisted in the Marines shortly after. His squad was killed by a terrorist bomb and Jack quit the Marines and returned to the Quad Cities to finish his education at night school.
Jack met a young lady, who was a fellow student, and fell in love. Unfortunately, Jack watched his love get assassinated while the pair were on a date. It was a mob hit gone wrong. Claire happened to be the daughter of a Chicago crime boss.
Claire left Jack an incredible amount of money- especially for only knowing him for a short semester and used the money to start a life of fighting crime. Geared with his camouflage pants, combat boots, a jersey with a snarling red dog, a hockey goaltender mask plus his guns and electrified shock gloves, WILD DOG started to go to work to clean up the bad, bad Quad Cities.
Wild Dog has seen his share of enemies. Including the alien Lobo, the American terrorists "Committee for Social Change" and the National Legion for Morality, who like to employ the use of arson to destroy pornographic material.
That's right. Wild Dog protects T.R. Video.
We need to make this movie. And when we say make it, we mean yesterday.
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