Food Network Star Sends Encouragement Video To Muscatine 6th-Graders
It's not every day you get a video from a famous person giving you words of encouragement. 6th-graders in the Muscatine Muskie S.P.A.R.K received a video from a star on the Food Network giving them praise and sharing words of encouragement as they learn culinary skills during this summer program.

Cooking can be a hard skill for people of all ages. For kids, it's a little more challenging since parents and adults don't let kids handle sharp objects like knives to slice, dice, and mince. It's easy to get a little flustered while cooking so words of encouragement during and after cooking can definitely help.
6th-graders in the Muscatine Muskie S.P.A.R.K. (Summer Program for Arts, Recreation & Knowledge!) program are learning those culinary skills right now in Amber Causey’s Cooking Basics class.
While we're sure that Amber is giving her students words of encouragement every single class, these students got another boost from a chef you can see daily on the television network that strictly focuses on food.
On Friday, Food Network star Jeff Mauro, who is the co-host of The Kitchen and Emmy-nominated Sandwich King sent a video giving praise to those 6th-graders and words of encouragement. But Jeff wasn't the only Food Network star to make an appearance in the video. One of the other co-hosts of The Kitchen, Geoffrey Zakarian, also said "hey" to the Muskie S.P.A.R.K. students.
While on the set of The Kitchen, Mauro told the students,
"Heard you guys are crushing it there. Making tostada. Making all the good things."
That's when Mauro turns the camera to Zakarian to have him say hey. Mauro went on to share these words of encouragement,
"And...we keep, you know, thinking about you guys here as we go into the next act. Cooking, you guys keep cooking, keep doing the thing, follow your instructor. And, uh, keep up the good work."
Director of Communications for the Muscatine Community School District and former B100 radio DJ, Tony Loconsole a.k.a. Tony Tone, shared the post thanking Jeff and his sister-in-law Emily for making this happen for the 6th-graders.
Very cool, Muskies! As the Muscatine Community School District said in their post,
"Maybe the next Food Network star will be from Muscatine!"
We sure hope so!