IAHSAA Announces Changes To Iowa High School Football
We are living in "unprecedented times".
But that does not mean we need to make changes or adopt new rules and formats to all things.
And that includes high school football.
The Iowa High School Athletic Association announced on Friday that Iowa high school football teams will ALL be eligible for the State playoffs this Fall. Any high school that would like to participate just needs to let the IAHSAA know by August 17, 2020.
Read that again-- to make it to the Iowa high school State football playoffs you just have to give written intention that your school would like to participate in the State playoffs. Not EARN. Participate.
Is this for real?
The regular season will now be down to 7 weeks instead of 9. Weeks 1 and 2 are optional and each school, in Class 4A at least, gets to make their own schedule.
By my scheduling, the every team gets to participate at State, still adds at least 4 weeks to the season. At least. The state said it plans on having six rounds of high school football.
In 2019, there were four rounds for Class 4A Iowa high school football. Now there are going to be 6?
It is going to be harder for a local high school eSports team to make it to the Iowa State eSports post-season playing Madden then it is to qualify for the IAHSAA high school football post-season.
We are not helping the future. We are coddling them.
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