Now that I'm a dad, the thought of someone breaking in during the middle of the night terrifies me. Depending on where someone breaks in it wouldn't even matter what you were using to protect yourself.

If you live in Chicago, hopefully, you have everything in your power to protect yourself because Chicago has a serious break-in problem. A new study shows that Chicago has the 3rd-most break-ins in America and is the least safe city.

Criminals are breaking into homes, carjacking, and robbing people all over Chicago. I literally Googled "Chicago break-ins" and stories from not even 24 hours ago are trending because they happen so often.

I'm not trying to scare you, but after reading this new study, it's hard not to be a little nervous.

Chicago Has The 3rd-Most Break-Ins

Researchers from Compare The Market AU say that the phrase ‘how to prevent home break-in’ has seen an 89% increase in the past 12 months. That has prompted them to analyze the burglary rate per 100,000 people, safety score, and worry score across US cities to reveal which locations are most prone to burglaries.


Their research found that Chicago has the 3rd-most break-ins compared to every other city in America.

The burglary rate is 359.50 per 100,000 which is the lowest out of the top five USA cities. While that's a good thing, the rest of these stats aren't good at all.

attachment-Illinois Break Ins

The safety score is 33.95 and the worry score came out at 55.98, which combined to create a total score of 2.24 out of 3.

I don't know about you, but if my city was mentioned anywhere in this study, I would be moving as fast as humanly possible. Call me a scaredy cat all you want, but that's not a problem I ever want to deal with.

In Illinois and across the U.S., there are so many ways to help prevent break-ins. Yes, make sure you're able to defend yourself if a burglar breaks into your home but also consider getting cameras, an alarm system, or a neighbor with no time on their hands just to be creepily helping you out by always looking at your home.

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Gallery Credit: Zillow/Take Action Realty Group, LLC

The Top 9 Best Reuben Sandwiches In The Quad Cities Area

Around St. Patrick's Day, many people in Iowa and Illinois are eating Reuben sandwiches to celebrate Irish heritage and celebrate the patron saint of Ireland. If you're looking for a delicious Reuben sandwich in the area, these are the top 9 places to get one and even some other Irish-themed dishes.

Gallery Credit: Connor Kenney

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