A Few More Reasons To Get Excited About Super Bowl LIII
Yesterday I wrote about how if you are on the fence for which team to cheer for during the NFL Super Bowl, I gave you 3 reasons to cheer on each team:
Still not sure if you are too excited about the Super Bowl??!?! Here are a few things that might get you excited:
1. New England Patriots owner, Bob Kraft, likes to get down and boogie and he doesn't care if you a a major rap star. When he gets the feelin', he wants to strut...
2. The L.A. Rams have a group of fans called "The Melonheads" that go all the way back to the 1980s. For 21 years they lost their team to St. Louis and, although they stayed loyal Rams fans, had to watch the Rams win Super Bowl XXXIV for another city. Here is their story...
3. EA Sports Madden '19 is predicting a Rams 30-27 victory over the Patriots. Although the simulation did get last year's result wrong, predicting the Patriots would beat the Eagles 24-20, the Madden game does seem to be right every other year...
BUT..... CBS Sports is saying otherwise...
4. Bettor X is back and back big. Who doesn't want to root for a guy to beat Vegas??? The same guy who won $10 million in consecutive bets on the 2017 World Series and wagered $8 to $10 million on the underdog Eagles in Super Bowl LII last year has placed three bets so far on the Rams money line (all at +120):
- $2 million bet at the MGM
- $1.5 million bet at William Hill
- $300,000 bet at South Point
5. PROP BETS!!! Coin flips, over/under on the National Anthem, will Adam Levine wear a leather jacket, MORE, MORE, MORE. There are hundreds of prop bets that you can wager on with friends to make the Super Bowl a little more enjoyable. See them all here.
Whoever you are backing, remember to have a good time, stay safe, bet on "TAILS" and try not to get into a fight over the National Anthem- nothing more pathetic than trying to win an argument about who is more patriotic in a room full of Americans.
Enjoy the game! Remember, that there will be GONG SHOW KARAOKE: Sports Theme immediately after the game!
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