Bald Eagle Days Are Here
Let's face it - January is a tough month. There's the invariable letdown after the holidays are over. It's cold. It's dark. But, the Quad Cities has one unique bright spot at this time of year, and that is the arrival of Bald Eagles.
As rivers and lakes freeze up north, these majestic birds migrate south to hunt on open waters. One part of the Mississippi that stays relatively unfrozen is the waters at the foot of Lock & Dam 15 at Arsenal Island. It is here that I saw over three dozen Bald Eagles nesting in tress yesterday.
And as we are apt to do in the Quad Cities, we have a festival celebrating this annual migration - Bald Eagle Days. This year's edition takes place this weekend at the QCCA Expo Center. Hours are 4-8 p.m. Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.
According to the Quad City Times, this year's edition of Bald Eagle Days will be bigger than ever, and the beauty is, you won't have to venture into the cold to see the birds.