A Hy-Vee Bakery is Going into the Old Gordman’s in Davenport
We finally know the fate of the former Gordman's building in Davenport.
Hy-Vee will be putting in a bakery and regional pharmacy at the building located at 3860 Elmore Ave.
The Quad-City Times reports a building permit issued by the City of Davenport on Feb. 9 reflects Hy-Vee's plans for the two spaces.
The bakery is set to be sprawling, specifically a 34,007 square foot bakery, with a new kitchen, storage space, and working areas. The building permit for the bakery space is estimated to cost around $375,000.
The regional pharmacy space will be 24,466 square feet that will not only have a pharmacy but will also house a conference room, processing area, and offices. The building permit for that one is estimated to cost around $300,000.
No word yet on when the new Hy-Vee bakery/pharmacy will be opening or even when work will begin on it. A Hy-Vee spokesperson didn't respond to the newspaper's request for comment.

The Gordman's in Davenport closed in the last part of 2020 and the space has sat empty for nearly two years, with a lof of speculation about what could go into the building. Gordman's company as a whole declared bankruptcy in 2017, according to a 2020 article from KWWL. Despite that, the company kept Iowa stores open after the closure through September 2020, including its stores in Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Coralville, Davenport, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, and Des Moines. They had a store at Southpark Mall in Moline as well.
We'll update you with more details when we learn more!